Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

red fruit (buah merah)

Indonesia- red fruit is a kind of traditional pieces from Papua. Community Wamena, Papua, this fruit is called kuansu. Pandanus conoideus scientific names for plants Lam Red fruit crops including pandanus family-like pandanan with pandanus trees, but plant height can reach 16 meters high with their own stem branches 5-8 m tall which strengthened the roots supported on the lower stems.

Oval-shaped fruit cultivars with leaves covered with fruit buds. Red fruit fruit itself is long reach 55 cm, 10-15 cm diameter, and weighs 2-3 kg. Color when mature bright maroon, even though there are plants that bear fruit brown and yellowish brown.

For people in Wamena, red fruit for the food served at the party burn custom stone. However, many are also using it as medicine. Traditionally, red fruit from the ancient hereditary been consumed for more efficacious in curing various diseases such as preventing eye diseases, intestinal worms, skin, and increase stamina.

Gynecology and efficacy

The research on treatment efficacy of red fruit was first conducted by researchers Cendrawasih University lecturer in Jayapura Drs. I Made Budi M.S. as a nutrition expert and professor of the University of Cendrawasih had carefully studied the habits of traditional society in Wamena, Timika and villages of mountainous areas that consume Jayawijaya Red fruit. Observations on the local community is more muscular body and high berstamina, whereas the daily life of indigenous traditional and limited open the dressing in the harsh natural conditions and sometimes quite cold weather at altitude mountains. Physical privilege other residents affected by the rare degenerative disease such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

By examining the composition of the nutritional content, was in terms of red fruit juices that are loaded with antioxidants (average content):

* Carotene (12,000 ppm)
* Beta-carotene (700 ppm)
* Tocopherol (11,000 ppm)

In addition to several other substances that enhance the immune system, for example: oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, dekanoat, Omega 3 and Omega 9 which are all active compounds the formation of free radical stress in the body.


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